Общите щати на 6061 алуминиевите плочи включват състояние O, Т4 състояние, Състояние Т6 и състояние Т651. Сред тях, състоянието 6061-T6 има добри механични свойства и се използва по-често. Сплавта със състояние 6061-T651 е опъната на базата на състоянието T6, за да се елиминира вътрешното напрежение. формирана по-късно, което го прави по-подходящ за обработка и формоване.
6061 алуминиева плоча за форми: В производството на матрици, it can be used for 80% of products in different mold industries such as injection molds, blow molds, low pressure molds, rubber molds, и т.н.
6061 aluminum plate is used in automobiles: In automobile manufacturing, it can be used as a raw material for the processing and manufacturing of car body parts, such as car seat frames, car wheels, car chassis, new energy vehicle battery aluminum trays, и т.н., and can also be used as truck compartment panels. .
6061 aluminum plates are used in the construction industry: they can be used as decorative panels, anti-corrosion panels, and can also be used for deep processing in the construction field. Освен това, 6061 aluminum plates are also widely used in furniture and other fields.
6061 aluminum plate has good gloss, добра устойчивост на корозия, sufficient strength, excellent process performance and welding performance. It is widely used in automated mechanical parts, fine processing, automobile chassis, and eggs. It is loved by a wide range of users, but 6061 aluminum plate T6 The difference between the three conditions of , F and O.
In the T6 situation, 6061 aluminum alloy is mostly used. В този случай, на 6061 plate is plate quenched – plate slicing – stretching machine – aging treatment – polishing – опаковка. The entire production cycle is about 10 days.