Introduction of aluminum foil in packaging
Aluminum foil plays a key role in the food and beverage industry due to its excellent barrier properties, flexibility and hygiene. For products like milk, packaging requirements are particularly stringent as milk is perishable and highly sensitive to environmental factors such as light, moisture and air. Milk bottle caps are usually sealed on containers or bottles, requ ...
Sut i Goginio Cig Moch Yn Y Ffwrn Gyda Ffoil Aloi Alwminiwm? Defnyddir ffoil alwminiwm ar gyfer pecynnu
Mae ffoil alwminiwm yn ddeunydd tenau iawn gyda thrwch o rhwng 0.005mm a 0.2mm fel arfer. Mae'n aloi a ddefnyddir yn eang. Mae ffoil alwminiwm yn feddal ac mae ganddo hydwythedd da. Gellir ei wneud yn rholiau a'i becynnu i'w ddefnyddio. Fe'i defnyddir yn eang fel ffoil pecynnu, diolch i'w inswleiddio rhagorol, ymwrthedd lleithder, tarian ysgafn ...
Mae plât alwminiwm yr anod wedi'i ocsidio, ac mae haen denau o alwminiwm ocsid yn cael ei ffurfio ar yr wyneb gyda thrwch o 5 i 20 micronau, a gall y ffilm anodized caled gyrraedd 60 i 200 micronau. Mae'r plât alwminiwm anodized yn gwella ei galedwch a'i wrthwynebiad gwisgo, hyd at 250-500 kg/mm2, mae ganddi wrthwynebiad gwres da iawn, mae gan y ffilm anodized caled bwynt toddi o hyd at 2320K, inswleiddio ardderchog, a chwalfa ...
Food packaging foils are usually made from aluminum alloys because they have excellent food preservation properties. The most widely used aluminum alloys for food packaging foil include: Alloy Aluminum 1100: This is a commercially pure aluminum (99% alwminiwm) with excellent corrosion resistance, dargludedd thermol a thrydanol uchel, and good machinability. It is commonly used for household foils, packaging ...
Do you know the advantages of anodized aluminum plate sheet?Henan huawei Aluminum anodized aluminum plate hardness is relatively high, good scratch resistance, paint-free surface, anti-fouling effect is very good. Metallic aluminum ceiling, Curtain wall aluminum, as well as fire board, cellular aluminum, aluminum veneer is made of anodized aluminum plate for processing products Anodized aluminum plate wider ra ...
Cyflwyno taflen alwminiwm du
Mae dalen alwminiwm du yn ddalen alwminiwm gyda gorchudd du ar yr wyneb, a geir fel arfer gan dechnoleg ocsideiddio neu brosesau arbennig eraill. Fe'i defnyddir yn eang mewn amrywiol ddiwydiannau oherwydd ei gryfder uchel, pwysau ysgafn, ymwrthedd cyrydiad ac ymddangosiad hardd. Mae'r wyneb du fel arfer yn cael ei gyflawni trwy anodizing, cotio powdr neu beintio, a all furt ...
5083 aluminum plate is a common aluminum alloy material with the following characteristics: High strength: 5083 aluminum plate has high strength, especially in low temperature environment. This makes it widely used in fields such as ships and ocean engineering. Excellent corrosion resistance: 5083 aluminum plate has excellent corrosion resistance, and has good resistance to corrosion in seawater and general ...