Ποιο φύλλο αλουμινίου είναι πιο κατάλληλο για συσκευασία μπαταριών?

When choosing battery packaging materials, aluminum alloys are very suitable choices due to their lightweight, good conductivity, αντοχή στη διάβρωση, and easy processing and forming.
Aluminum alloys used for battery packaging need to have excellent corrosion resistance, good formability, and high strength. The following is a detailed description of the most suitable aluminum alloys for battery packaging materials:

3003 κράμα φύλλου αλουμινίου

Features: good corrosion resistance, good formability, and moderate strength.
Use: Commonly used in battery housings and heat exchangers due to its good thermal conductivity and formability.

1050 κράμα φύλλου αλουμινίου:

Features: high corrosion resistance, high ductility, and excellent thermal and electrical conductivity.
Use: Often used in applications that require good formability and conductivity, such as battery foil applications.

5052 κράμα φύλλου αλουμινίου:

Features: excellent corrosion resistance, good weldability, and high strength.
Use: Suitable for battery housings and structural components due to its high strength and durability.

8011 κράμα αργιλίου:

Features: good corrosion resistance, υψηλή αντοχή, good formability.
Use: commonly used in lithium-ion battery packaging.

6061 κράμα φύλλου αλουμινίου:

Features: high strength and good corrosion resistance, as well as good machinability and weldability.
Application: widely used in aerospace, ναυπηγική, automobile manufacturing, machinery manufacturing and other industries. For battery packaging, the strength and corrosion resistance of 6061 aluminum alloy can meet most needs.

6063 κράμα φύλλου αλουμινίου:

Features: medium strength, excellent corrosion resistance and wear resistance. It is easy to be processed into aluminum profiles of various shapes through processes such as extrusion molding and welding molding.
Application: Although it is mainly used in construction, αεροδιαστημική, electronic instruments and electrical equipment, its good processing performance also makes it have certain application potential in the field of battery packaging.

7005 κράμα φύλλου αλουμινίου:

Features: high-strength aluminum alloy material with excellent corrosion resistance and wear resistance. Contains multiple elements such as zinc, αλουμίνιο, μαγνήσιο, and a small amount of copper and manganese, giving it excellent comprehensive performance.
Application: Commonly used in bicycles, motorcycles, electronic equipment and aerospace. For battery packaging materials that require higher strength and wear resistance, 7005 aluminum alloy is a good choice.

Considerations for choosing aluminum alloy for battery packaging

Strength and corrosion resistance: Battery packaging materials need to be able to withstand certain external pressure and impact, and at the same time need to have good corrosion resistance to prevent internal erosion of the battery.

Weight: Lightweighting is an important trend in fields such as new energy vehicles, so choosing lightweight aluminum alloy materials can help reduce the weight of the entire vehicle and improve endurance.

Processing performance: Aluminum alloy materials that are easy to process and form can reduce production costs and improve production efficiency.
Cost: On the premise of ensuring performance, cost is also an important factor to consider when selecting aluminum alloy materials.