Ispilu anodizatutako aluminiozko xafla nola epaitzen irakatsi

Metodoa 1: ispilu anodizatuzko aluminiozko xafla, babes-filma kendu ondoren, ispilua hatzekin ukituz, atzametako izerdi orbanak ispiluaren gainean geratuko dira, baina zapi lehor batekin edo paperezko eskuoihal batekin garbitu ondoren, hatz-markak garbituko dira eta ez dute arrastorik utziko.

Ispiluaren aluminiozko plaka oxidatu ondoren ez da berdina, leaving the fingerprints will be more and more dirty, and ultimately can not recover the role of the mirror.

Metodoa 2: put the anodized mirror aluminum plate in the ear bend, if there is a slight cracking sound clarification that is anodized mirror aluminum plate, if not that is not anodized mirror aluminum plate.

Metodoa 3: the mirror aluminum plate to do 90 degrees T bend, anodized mirror aluminum plate in the T bend will have a slight whitish appearance, which is the reason for the anodic oxide film burst, if the mirror aluminum plate without anodic oxidation does not have this appearance.