1100 aluminiozko xafla sarrera

1100 aluminioa komertzialki purua den aluminiozko aleazio bat da, hainbat aplikaziotan erabili ohi dena, korrosioarekiko erresistentzia bikaina dela eta., eroankortasun termiko eta elektriko handia, eta langarritasun ona.

1100 aluminiozko xaflak egindako aluminiozko pieza lau bati egiten dio erreferentzia 1100 aleazio. Hainbat tamainatan dago eskuragarri, lodiera, and finishes to meet different requirements. 1100 aluminum sheet is often used in industries such as aerospace, automobilgintza, eraikuntza, eta elektronika, where lightweight, durable, and corrosion-resistant materials are required.

What does “1100” urtean 1100 aluminum plate means?

In “1100 aluminiozko plaka”, “1100” indicates the type of aluminum alloy. This number is one of the naming rules of aluminum alloy, which represents the composition of aluminum alloy.

Zehazki, du “1100” alloy is a non-reinforced pure aluminum alloy, in which aluminum is the main component of the alloy, and the content of impurity elements such as copper, iron, manganesoa, silizioa, and zinc is very low, less than 0.5%. Due to its high purity, it has good solderability and corrosion resistance. This aluminum alloy is commonly used to make chemicals and food processing equipment, as well as materials such as aluminum foil.

Chemical composition of 1100 aluminiozko xafla(%)

AleazioaEtaCuZnMnVFeMgBeste batzukAl

Aluminiozko plaka 1100 propietate mekanikoak

Mechanical Properties Of Aluminum Alloy Al1100 Aluminum Plate At Room Temperature
Tensile strength90-165MPa
Yield strength35-150MPa
Shear strength 60-90 MPa
Anti-fatigue strength35-60MPa
Gogortasuna 23-44HB