'.125 aluminiozko xafla' fabrika eta handizkatzaile nagusi gisa, Huawei Aluminium kalitate handiko aluminiozko produktuak eskaintzera dedikatzen da gure bezeroen beharrei erantzuteko. Industrian urteetako esperientziarekin, hainbat aplikaziotarako aluminiozko xaflen hornitzaile fidagarri gisa finkatu gara.
.125 aluminiozko xafla sarrera Aluminum sheets are widely used in various industries due to their lightweight , corrosion-resistant , and durable properties . At Huawei Aluminum , we offer a wide range of ‘.125 aluminum sheet’ products in different alloy models and specifications to meet the diverse needs of our customers . Our aluminum sheets are manufactured using high-quality materials and advanced technology to ensure superior performance and durability .
0.125 Aluminiozko Xafla Alloy Models and Specifications :To make it easier for our customers to compare and choose the right ‘.125 aluminum sheet’ product , we have created tables to display the parameters and specifications of each alloy model . The tables include information on the alloy composition , propietate mekanikoak, konposizio kimikoa, and other relevant details of the aluminum sheet .
Grade Trakzio Erresistentzia (psi ) Etekin-indarra (psi ) Aplikazio arruntak Zabalera (urtean) Luzera (urtean) Weight (lb/ft 2 )Weight (lb/sheet )Alloy Model 1100 13,000 5,000 Chemical equipment , food handling equipment , sheet metal work 36 96 1.764 42.34 1100 3003 22,000 21,000 Cooking utensils , pressure vessels , builder’s hardware , decorative trim 36 96 1.764 42.34 3003 5052 33,000 28,000 Marine applications , erregai deposituak, truck and trailer bodies , sheet metal work 48 144 1.764 84.67 5052-H32 5086 42,000 30,000 Marine applications , structural components , transportation equipment 36 96 1.764 42.34 5086 5454 38,000 25,000 Pressure vessels , marine applications , transportation equipment 36 96 1.764 42.34 5454 6061 45,000 40,000 Egitura-aplikazioak, automobilgintzako piezak, aircraft components , electrical fittings 48 144 1.764 84.67 6061-T6
Aluminioa .125 in Metal Stock .125 aluminiozko xafla aplikazioa .125 aluminiozko xafla is a common thickness of aluminum sheet metal that can be used for various applications . Depending on the alloy and temper of the sheet , it may have different properties and characteristics . Some of the possible applications of .125 aluminum sheet are :
Roofing and siding : .125 aluminum sheet can be used as a lightweight and durable material for roofing and siding panels . It can withstand harsh weather conditions and corrosion , and it can be easily formed and cut to fit different shapes and sizes . Some of the suitable aluminum sheet grades for roofing and siding are 3003, 5052, eta 6061.Fuel tanks and lines : .125 aluminum sheet can be used to make fuel tanks and lines for aircraft , ibilgailuak, and marine applications . It can resist high temperatures and pressures , and it can prevent fuel leakage and contamination . Some of the suitable aluminum sheet grades for fuel tanks and lines are 5052, 5086, eta 6061.Signage and displays : .125 aluminum sheet can be used to create signage and displays for various purposes , such as advertising , markak, and information . It can be painted , anodizatua, or coated with different colors and finishes , and it can be cut and bent to form various shapes and designs . Some of the suitable aluminum sheet grades for signage and displays are 1100, 3003, eta 6061.Egiturazko osagaiak : .125 aluminum sheet can be used to make structural components for various industries , such as aerospace , automobilgintza, and construction . It can provide high strength and stiffness , and it can be welded , riveted , or bolted to other parts . Some of the suitable aluminum sheet grades for structural components are 5454, 6061, eta 7075.