Hoe te ûnderskieden single nul folie fan dûbele nul folie?
Aluminiumfolie is in soarte fan aluminium rôljend materiaal. Aluminiumfolie is mainly for thickness. Yn 'e yndustry, aluminium produkten mei in dikte fan minder as 0.2mm wurde meastal neamd aluminium folie. Tagelyk, neffens de dikte, aluminium folie kin wurde ferdield yn dûbele nul folie, single nul folie en dikke Folie, sa witte jo hoe't jo ûnderskiede kinne tusken single nul folie en dûbele nul folie?
This is easy to distinguish, just look at the thickness, single zero foil: foil with a thickness of 0.01mm and less than 0.1mm, double zero foil: the so-called double zero foil means that there are two zeros after the decimal point when the thickness is measured in mm foil, usually aluminum foil less than .0075 mm in thickness.