Introduction to AC Aluminum Foil
Foil Aluminium AC, sa mhòr-chuid air a chleachdadh ann an siostaman fionnarachaidh-adhair, a 'cluich pàirt chudromach anns a' phròiseas iomlaid teas, a’ cur gu mòr ri èifeachdas agus fad-beatha aonadan fionnarachaidh-adhair. Huawei Aluminium, na phrìomh neach-dèanamh agus mòr-reic de AC Aluminium Foil, offers a wide range of aluminum foil products specifically designed to meet the rigorous demands of the HVAC industry.
Why Aluminum Foil for AC?
Aluminum foil is the material of choice for air conditioner coils because of its excellent thermal conductivity, strì an aghaidh creimeadh, agus ath-chuairteachadh. These properties make it ideal for use in both residential and commercial air conditioning units, enhancing performance and sustainability.
Alloy Models and Specifications
Huawei Aluminum provides a variety of alloy models, each tailored to suit different AC manufacturing requirements. Below is a detailed table showcasing our main alloy models and their specifications:
Alloy Model | Tigheadas (mm) | Leud (mm) | Teòthachd | Application |
1100 | 0.095 – 0.2 | 200 – 1300 | H22, H24 | Standard AC units |
1200 | 0.095 – 0.2 | 200 – 1300 | H22, H24 | Energy-efficient AC units |
3102 | 0.095 – 0.2 | 200 – 1300 | H22, H24 | High-end AC units |
8011 | 0.095 – 0.2 | 200 – 1300 | O, H22, H24, H26 | Residential & Commercial AC |
These alloys are chosen for their superior formability, strì an aghaidh creimeadh, and thermal conductivity, making them ideal for various AC foil applications.
Understanding Alloy Specifications
- 1100 Aluminum Alloy: Known for its excellent corrosion resistance and high thermal conductivity. It’s highly workable and commonly used in HVAC applications where superior formability is desired.
- 1200 Aluminum Alloy: Coltach ri 1100 but offers slightly higher strength. It is also known for its excellent corrosion resistance and thermal properties.
- 3102 Aluminum Alloy: It is specifically designed for high-end air conditioning units. It features a higher strength than both 1100 agus 1200, making it suitable for advanced cooling systems.
- 8011 Aluminum Alloy: This alloy is versatile with excellent formability, strì an aghaidh creimeadh, and a higher strength. It’s suitable for both residential and commercial air conditioning systems.
Customization and Flexibility
Huawei Aluminum understands that each air conditioning system has unique requirements. Uime sin, we offer customization options for thickness, width, and temper to meet specific application needs. Our state-of-the-art manufacturing process ensures precision in every product, catering to the exact specifications demanded by our clients.
Quality Assurance
Quality is at the heart of everything we do at Huawei Aluminum. Our AC Aluminum Foil is manufactured under strict quality control protocols to ensure it meets the highest standards. Each batch of our aluminum foil undergoes rigorous testing for strength, seasmhachd, and thermal conductivity to ensure it performs optimally in its application.
In today’s eco-conscious market, Huawei Aluminum is committed to sustainability. Our aluminum foil is not only durable and efficient but also 100% recyclable. By choosing our AC Aluminum Foil, you are opting for a green solution that reduces the environmental impact of your products.
Why Choose Huawei Aluminum?
- Experience and Expertise: With years of manufacturing excellence, Huawei Aluminum has established itself as a leader in the aluminum industry. Our expertise ensures you receive the best quality AC Aluminum Foil tailored to your needs.
- Wide Range of Products: Our extensive selection of alloy models and specifications means you can find the perfect fit for your AC manufacturing requirements.
- Customization: We offer customized solutions to match your specific demands, ensuring your AC units perform at their best.
- Quality Commitment: Our commitment to quality means you can trust our products to deliver performance and reliability.
- Sustainable Solutions: Choosing our aluminum foil contributes to a healthier planet, thanks to our focus on recyclability and environmental responsibility.