Aluminium 6065 VS 6005 Aluminium

Qhov sib txawv ntawm Aluminium 6065 Thiab 6005–Aluminium 6065 Vs 6005

6000 series ntawm aluminium 6005 thiab 6065

Ob leeg aluminium alloy 6005 thiab aluminium alloy 6065 tsis tshua muaj alloys nyob rau hauv lub 6000 series. Cov 6 series txhuas hlau tau ntxiv cov khoom xws li silicon thiab magnesium, thiab muaj zog dua thiab corrosion tsis kam tshaj qhov 1000 series ntshiab aluminium alloy. Ntawm lawv, aluminium 6065 thiab 6005 yog cov hlau tsis tshua muaj txhuas hauv 6xxx series, thiab muaj cov yam ntxwv zoo sib xws thiab qhov sib txawv ntawm ob.


Dab tsi yog 6065 aluminium alloy?

6065 aluminium alloy yog lub zog muaj zog aluminium alloy, feem ntau yog tsim los ntawm aluminium, magnesium thiab silicon.

6065 aluminium muaj lub zog siab, thiab qhov kev pabcuam lub zog feem ntau yog nruab nrab ntawm 300 MPa thiab 400 MPa, thiab lub zog tensile yog nruab nrab ntawm 350MPa thiab 450 MPa.

6065 aluminium alloy yog cov khoom siv aluminium alloy nrog kev ua haujlwm zoo thiab siv dav.

6065 aluminum alloy can obtain good casting performance or processing plasticity, which is easy to make products of various shapes and specifications.

Therefore, it has strong applicability in many fields such as aerospace, shipbuilding, kev thauj mus los, architectural decoration, electronic appliances, lwm.

6065 aluminum alloy can increase its strength through heat treatment. Common heat treatment methods include aging treatment (6065 T6) and natural aging treatment (6065 T4).

Taw qhia rau 6005 aluminium alloy

Dab tsi yog 6005 aluminium? 6005 aluminum alloy is a medium-strength and high-corrosion-resistant aluminum alloy belonging to the Al-Mg-Si series.

6005 aluminium alloy
6005 aluminium alloy

Aluminium alloy 6005 has good processing performance, welding performance and forming performance, and can be widely used in many fields.

6005 aluminum alloy has excellent welding performance and can be connected by a variety of welding methods, such as argon arc welding, resistance welding, laser welding, lwm.

This also makes 6005 aluminium alloy yooj yim rau txheej txheem thiab tuaj yeem tsim los ntawm kev txiav, qhov drilling, milling, stamping thiab lwm txoj kev.

6005 aluminium alloy muaj zoo corrosion kuj thiab muaj kev ruaj ntseg zoo rau feem ntau corrosive media xws li huab cua, dej, kua qaub, lwm.

Nws tuaj yeem siv tau zoo hauv qhov chaw sab nraum zoov thiab ntub dej.

6005 aluminium alloy yog ze ze rau 6005A aluminium alloy, tab sis nws tsis yog tib yam nkaus.

Lub ntsiab sib txawv ntawm ob lub alloys yog qhov tsawg kawg nkaus feem pua ​​ntawm txhuas nyob rau hauv 6005 yog siab dua li ntawm 6005A (tab sis qhov feem pua ​​​​siab tshaj plaws yog qhov pib zoo ib yam).


Dab tsi yog qhov txawv ntawm 6065 aluminium thiab 6005 aluminium?

Aluminium 6065 vs 6005 tshuaj muaj pes tsawg leeg

Hlau Element muaj pes tsawg leeg lub rooj (%)
Lub ntsiabAlCrCuFeMgMnThiabNtawmZn
600597.5-99≤0.1≤0.1≤ 0.350.4-0.6≤0.10.6-0.9≤0.1≤0.1
606597.5-99.5≤0.1≤0.1≤ 0.350.050.050.3≤0.10.05

Aluminium 6065 vs 6005 qhov sib txawv ntom ntom

Qhov ntom ntawm aluminiumaluminium density nyob rau hauv lb/in³Qhov ceev ntawm aluminium kg / m³

Aluminium 6065 vs 6005 kev sib piv ntawm mechanical properties

Mechanical Properties Sib piv ntawm 6065 vs. 6005 Aluminium
Khoom6065-T6 Aluminium6005-T6 Aluminium
Tensile zog265 MPa (38.4 ksi ua)295 MPa (42.8 ksi ua)
Yield zog225 MPa (32.6 ksi ua)255 MPa (37 ksi ua)
Elongation ntawm Break10%12%
Hardness (Brinell)95 HB93 HB

Qhov sib txawv ntawm aluminium 6065 thiab 6005 hauv kev siv

Khoom6005 Aluminium6065 Aluminium
Kev siv dav davKev siv cov qauv uas xav tau lub zog nruab nrabCov ntawv thov xav tau qhov sib npaug ntawm lub zog, corrosion kuj, thiab tsos
Cov Qauv Txheej TxheemExtrusion rau txuas hniav, yees, railings, thiab thav duabArchitectural applications, nrog rau cov qhov rais thav duab thiab qhov rooj ncej
Kev thauj mus losTsheb lub cev, marine Cheebtsam, thiab railway tsheb CheebtsamTsheb kauj vab ncej, automotive qhov chaw, thiab cov khoom siv ua si
MachineabilityNruab nrab; haum rau profiles xav tau nruab nrab complexityZoo; feem ntau xaiv thaum ua ke ntawm machinability thiab nruab nrab lub zog xav tau
Corrosion ResistanceZoo; haum rau sab nraum zoov thiab marine ib puag ncigZoo heev; zoo tagnrho rau kev siv sab nraum zoov xav tau kev ua haujlwm ntev
Kev kho cua sovFeem ntau muab rau hauv T5 lossis T6 temper rau kev txhim kho lub zogFeem ntau muab nyob rau hauv T6 temper rau kev pom lub zog thiab tsos
WeldabilityZoo, tab sis tej zaum yuav xav tau kev kho cua sov tom qab vuam rau cov khoom zooZoo; zoo haum rau vuam, tshwj xeeb tshaj yog nyob rau hauv cov seem thinner
Qhov tshwm simTsis yog feem ntau xaiv rau cov ntawv thov uas pom zooNyiam thaum zoo nkauj thiab nto tiav yog qhov tseem ceeb
Cov ntawv thov sivRooj tog, ntaiv, thiab lwm yam kev siv cov qauvCov khoom siv ncaws pob, tsheb kauj vab ncej, hniav trims, thiab automotive accessories

Kawm ntxiv:5052 vs 6061