Ua li cas 16 gauge aluminium ntawv hnyav?

Qhov hnyav ntawm 16-gauge aluminium ntawv yuav nyob ntawm nws qhov ntev (ntev, dav) thiab tshwj xeeb alloy ntawm aluminium siv. The thickness of a 16-gauge aluminum sheet is approximately 0.0508 ntiv tes lub 1.29 millimeters. Txhawm rau xam qhov hnyav, koj tuaj yeem siv cov qauv hauv qab no:

Qhov hnyav (hauv phaus) = Ntev (hauv ntiv tes) x dav (hauv ntiv tes) x Thickness (hauv ntiv tes) x ceev (nyob rau hauv phaus ib cubic nti)

The density of aluminum is approximately 0.098 pounds per cubic inch.

So, if you have the dimensions of your 16-gauge aluminum sheet, you can calculate the weight using this formula. For example, if you have a sheet that is 48 inches long and 24 inches wide:

Weight = 48 inches x 24 inches x 0.0508 inches x 0.098 pounds per cubic inch = 59.06 pounds

This is a theoretical weight, and actual weights may vary slightly depending on the specific alloy and any coatings or treatments applied to the aluminum sheet.