1050 aluminum-coil

Aluminum Foil Jumbo Roll

Jumbo aluminum foil product specifications: Product Name: Aluminum Foil Jumbo Roll Alloy: 1000-8000 series (specify the specific alloy, e.g., 8011, 1235) Thickness: 0.01mm-8mm microns (specify the thickness range) Dav: 60-2600 millimeters (specify the width range) Ntev: According to customization Core Diameter: XX millimeters (specify the core diameter size) Jumbo aluminum foil product ...

Perforated Aluminum Sheet

Perforated Aluminum Sheet

Introduction to Perforated Aluminum Sheet Products Perforated aluminum sheets are versatile metal products that have gained popularity in various industries due to their unique characteristics and wide range of applications. These sheets are typically made from aluminum alloys and feature a pattern of holes or perforations, strategically placed to achieve specific performance and functional requirements. Alloy ...

black aluminium foil roll

Dub Aluminium Ntawv Nyiaj

Black aluminum foil roll What is black aluminum foil? It is a special aluminum foil with a special surface treatment that gives it a black appearance. Aluminum foil black is coated with a black coating on the basis of aluminum foil. This coating is usually made of special plastic or paint. . This material combines the excellent properties of aluminum foil with the specific functions of a black coating and can be ...

black aluminim sheet

Black Aluminum Sheet

Black aluminum sheet product "Black aluminum plate" generally refers to an aluminum plate or aluminum plate with a black finish or coating, made of a treated aluminum layer with a black coating. The coating on black aluminum panels is used to give the metal a more durable, corrosion-resistant surface. Black aluminum sheets are also used to manufacture parts that are exposed to the elements, such as the exterior ...

1235 aluminium ntawv

1235 aluminium ntawv

What is aluminum sheet grade 1235? 1235 aluminium alloy, also known as American deformed aluminum and aluminum alloy, standard comparison: American Aluminum Association (AA) 1235, UNS A911235, China GB 1235. Aluminium alloy 1235 muaj qhov tsawg kawg nkaus aluminium cov ntsiab lus ntawm 99.35%. In the annealed state, it has strong ductility, and the high content of aluminum can make 1235 aluminum alloy widely used in industrial manufactur ...

6061-T6-Aluminium phaj

6061 T6 Aluminum Sheet

What is 6061-t6 aluminum sheet? 6061-T6 aluminum alloy is a material obtained by heat treatment based on 6061 aluminium alloy. This heat treatment process is called T6 treatment, which includes solid solution treatment and artificial aging treatment. T6 treatment can improve the strength and hardness of 6061 aluminum alloy and maintain its good weldability. 6061 T6 aluminum sheet process 6061 T6: This is a temp ...

8079 aluminium ntawv ci

8079 aluminium ntawv ci

8079 aluminum foil material Composition: 8079 aluminum foil is primarily made from an aluminum alloy known as 8079. It is a high-quality aluminum alloy with specific chemical compositions to enhance its properties. 8079 aluminum foil alloy properties: Cov 8079 aluminum alloy consists of primarily aluminum (Al) with small amounts of other elements. This alloy composition provides excellent strength, corrosion ...

1050 aluminum disc

Dab tsi yog cov kev siv ntawm 1050 aluminium vajvoog?

What can 1050 aluminum discs be used for? 1050 aluminium vajvoog, also known as 1050 aluminum alloy circle or pure aluminum circle, is a circular sheet made of 1050 aluminum alloy material. 1050 aluminum alloy belongs to the pure aluminum series. Its main component is aluminum (Al), and it contains trace amounts of other metal elements such as copper (Cu), manganese (Mn), magnesium (Mg), zinc (Zn), lwm., but the t ...

aluminum alloy foil is most suitable for battery

Dab tsi aluminium alloy foil yog qhov zoo tshaj plaws rau kev ntim roj teeb?

When choosing battery packaging materials, aluminum alloys are very suitable choices due to their lightweight, good conductivity, corrosion kuj, and easy processing and forming. Aluminum alloys used for battery packaging need to have excellent corrosion resistance, good formability, and high strength. The following is a detailed description of the most suitable aluminum alloys for battery packaging materi ...

Dab tsi yog cov kev siv ntawm 3003 aluminum circle alloy?

Aluminium alloy 3003 is a good raw material for aluminum circle production. 3003 aluminum discs are widely used in various industries due to its excellent properties, including good corrosion resistance, excellent formability and medium strength. Dab tsi yog cov kev siv ntawm 3003 aluminum discs? 1. Cookware and kitchen utensils Pots and pans: 3003 aluminum discs are often used to make pots and pans and other co ...

1050 aluminum foil and 3003 aluminium ntawv ci

What are the differences and similarities between 1050 aluminum foil and 3003 aluminium ntawv ci?

1050 aluminum foil and 3003 aluminum foil are different in many aspects, but they also have some similarities. Aspect 1050 Aluminium Ntawv Nyiaj 3003 Aluminum Foil Alloy Composition 99.5% pure aluminum with minimal alloying elements Aluminum with manganese as the main alloying element (1.0-1.5%) Strength Lower strength Higher strength due to manganese content Corrosion Resistance Exce ...

tin foil vs aluminum foil

Qhov sib txawv ntawm Tin Foil thiab Aluminium Foil

Tin Foil Vs Aluminum Foil Tin foil and aluminum foil are both thin metal foils. These two foils are widely used in many aspects of life, and there are many similarities and differences. What is tin foil? Tin foil is a kind of paper coated with a thin layer of tin, which has many uses and characteristics. Tin foil is mainly used in the fields of medicine, chemical industry, light industry, food, art supplies an ...