1235 aluminum foil product introduction

The aluminum content of 1235 aluminium ntawv nyiaj tsis tsawg dua 99.35%. Huawei Aluminium tuaj yeem ua tiav 1235 aluminium ntawv ci nrog lub thickness ntawm 0.006-0.2mm. Cov khoom no yog dav siv nyob rau hauv hlau thiab cable vim nws cov khoom zoo antirust, formability, thiab fusion zog, daim kab xev, roj teeb ntawv ci.

1235 aluminium ntawv ci
1235 aluminium ntawv ci

Aluminium 1235 foil specifications

Alloy: 1235
Thickness: 0.006mm-0.2mm
Dav: 250mm-1650mm
Status: HO/H22/H24/H18/H26/H19 etc.
Industry application: household foil, thawv ntawv ci, medicine foil, soft package, heat seal, beer label, lwm.

Huawei 1235 aluminum foil performance characteristics:

1: 1235 aluminum foil has strong mechanical properties.
2: Aluminium ntawv nyiaj 1235 has a clean surface, uniform color, no creases, no color difference, and the board surface is smooth and clean.
3: 1235 aluminum foil has the advantages of moisture-proof, air-tight, light-shielding, abrasion-resistant, and fragrance-preserving.
4: 1235 aluminum foil has passed a number of tests, safe and hygienic without pollution.
5: There are no rolling defects such as creases, mottled spots and bright lines on the surface of 1235 aluminium ntawv ci;
6: There is no color difference on the surface of aluminum foil;
7: No oil on the surface, no serious oil smell, no visible oil spots;