Bagaimana membedakan foil nol tunggal dari foil nol ganda?
Aluminium foil adalah sejenis bahan aluminium bergulir. Aluminium foil is mainly for thickness. Di industri, produk aluminium dengan ketebalan kurang dari 0,2 mm biasa disebut aluminium foil. Pada saat yang sama, sesuai dengan ketebalannya, aluminium foil dapat dibagi menjadi double zero foil, foil nol tunggal dan Foil tebal, jadi tahukah anda bagaimana membedakan antara single zero foil dan double zero foil?
This is easy to distinguish, just look at the thickness, single zero foil: foil with a thickness of 0.01mm and less than 0.1mm, double zero foil: the so-called double zero foil means that there are two zeros after the decimal point when the thickness is measured in mm foil, usually aluminum foil less than .0075 mm in thickness.