Hvað er 18 mál álplötu?
Í málmplötu, hugtakið “18 mál” vísar til þykkt blaðsins. Það er mælieining fyrir þykkt málmplata. Því minni sem forskriftarnúmerið er, því þykkari er málmplatan.
Nánar tiltekið, fyrir álplötur, 18 mælikvarði samsvarar um það bil þykkt 0.0403 tommur eða 1.02 millimetrar. This gauge is commonly used in a variety of applications that require a balance between strength and weight.
What is 4×8 álplötu?
“4×8 álplötu” means an aluminum panel measuring 4 feet wide by 8 fet á lengd. This means the board is 4 feet wide and 8 fet á lengd, giving it a large surface area and is commonly used in construction, manufacturing and other industrial applications.
4×8 18 gauge aluminum sheet weight
To calculate the weight of an aluminum sheet, we need to consider the density of aluminum and the dimensions of the sheet.
Density of aluminum = 2.7 g/cm^3
Dimensions of the sheet:
– Length = 8 feet = 96 inches = 243.84 cm
– Width = 4 feet = 48 inches = 121.92 cm
– Þykkt (for 18 mál) = 0.0403 inches = 0.102362 cm
Volume of the sheet = Length x Width x Thickness
Volume = 243.84 cm x 121.92 cm x 0.102362 cm = 2990.3 cm^3
Weight of the sheet = Volume x Density
Weight = 2990.3 cm^3 x 2.7 g/cm^3 = 8073.81 grams = 8.074 kg
Þess vegna, an 18 mælikvarði 4×8 aluminum sheet weighs approximately 8.074 kg.