6061 t6アルミニウム vs 7075 アルミニウム

6061 t6アルミニウム vs 7075

アルミニウム合金 6061-T6 および 7075 エンジニアリング用途で広く使用されています, しかし、それらは異なる特性を持ち、異なる目的に適しています. 以下は、これら 2 つの合金の機械的特性の詳細な比較です。, 物理的特性, と典型的な用途:

6061-T6との比較 7075 アルミニウム

財産6061-T6アルミニウム7075 アルミニウム
構成0.8-1.2% マグネシウム, 0.4-0.8% そして, 0.15-0.4% 銅, 0.04-0.35% Cr5.1-6.1% 亜鉛, 2.1-2.9% マグネシウム, 1.2-2.0% 銅, 0.18-0.28% Cr
抗張力310 MPa (45 クシ)572 MPa (83 クシ)
降伏強さ275 MPa (40 クシ)503 MPa (73 クシ)
硬度 (ブリネル)95 HB150 HB
弾性率68.9 GPa (10,000 クシ)71.7 GPa (10,400 クシ)
密度2.70 g/cm32.81 g/cm3
疲労強度96 MPa (14 クシ)159 MPa (23 クシ)
熱伝導率167 W/m·K130 W/m·K
耐食性素晴らしいFair to Poor (without protective coating)
被削性良いFair to Good
熱処理Heat treatable to T6 conditionHeat treatable to T6 or T73 condition

Key Differences in Properties

  1. 強さ:
    • 7075 アルミニウム is much stronger, with a tensile strength of 572 MPa compared to 310 MPa for 6061-T6. This makes 7075 aluminum ideal for high-stress structural applications.
  2. 耐食性:
    • 6061-T6アルミニウム has excellent corrosion resistance, especially against atmospheric and marine conditions, その間 7075 アルミニウム has fair to poor corrosion resistance and often requires a protective coating or anodizing for use in corrosive environments.
  3. 溶接性:
    • 6061-T6アルミニウム is highly weldable, making it suitable for structures requiring frequent welding. 7075 アルミニウム is difficult to weld and can suffer from cracking and brittleness after welding.
  4. 被削性:
    • 6061-T6アルミニウム is known for its good machinability, which is better than that of 7075 アルミニウム, although 7075 still offers acceptable machinability for most applications.
  5. 密度:
    • 7075 アルミニウム is slightly denser (2.81 g/cm3) than 6061-T6アルミニウム (2.70 g/cm3), which can affect weight-sensitive applications.
  6. 熱伝導率:
    • 6061-T6アルミニウム has better thermal conductivity (167 W/m·K) compared to 7075 アルミニウム (130 W/m·K), making it preferable for heat-exchange applications.

Comparison of Uses

Application Area6061-T6アルミニウム7075 アルミニウム
航空宇宙Aircraft fittings, 燃料タンク, and fuselage structuresHigh-stress structural parts like aircraft wings, fuselage frames, and landing gear
自動車Chassis, wheel spacers, and engine componentsRacing components like suspension parts, gears, and shafts
MarineBoat hulls, masts, and marine fittingsNot typically used due to poor corrosion resistance
General ConstructionStructural components, piping, とフレームNot common; only when high strength is needed
Sports Equipment自転車フレーム, camping equipment, and scuba tanksHigh-performance bicycle components, climbing equipment
エレクトロニクスHeat sinks and electrical fittingsNot typically used; 6061 is preferred for thermal applications
Consumer GoodsLadders, furniture, and household itemsPremium products where high strength is desired, such as rugged outdoor gear


  • 6061-T6アルミニウム is more versatile, easier to work with, and has excellent corrosion resistance, making it suitable for a wide range of applications, including marine, 自動車, 工事, and electronics.
  • 7075 アルミニウム offers superior strength, making it ideal for high-stress applications like aerospace and high-performance sports equipment, but it has poorer weldability and corrosion resistance, limiting its use in certain environments.