
方法 1: ミラーアルマイトアルミシート, 保護フィルムを剥がした後, 指で鏡を触る, 指についた汗のシミが鏡の上に残る, ただし、乾いた布やペーパータオルでこすった後は, 指紋はきれいに拭き取られ、痕跡は残りません.

酸化後のミラーアルミプレートは同じではありません, leaving the fingerprints will be more and more dirty, and ultimately can not recover the role of the mirror.

方法 2: put the anodized mirror aluminum plate in the ear bend, if there is a slight cracking sound clarification that is anodized mirror aluminum plate, if not that is not anodized mirror aluminum plate.

方法 3: the mirror aluminum plate to do 90 degrees T bend, anodized mirror aluminum plate in the T bend will have a slight whitish appearance, which is the reason for the anodic oxide film burst, if the mirror aluminum plate without anodic oxidation does not have this appearance.