
陽極酸化アルミニウムパネルはさまざまな色が用意されており、見た目の美しさと機能性を兼ね備えています。. ファーウェイのアルミニウムシートメーカーは、さまざまな色と仕様の陽極酸化アルミニウムシートを供給できます.

Natural Color Anodized Aluminum Sheet

Natural Color (銀): 陽極酸化アルミニウムは自然な銀色を保ちます, クラシックでエレガントな外観を提供します. This finish is often chosen for applications where a metallic look is desired without additional coloring.

Black Anodized Aluminum Sheet

Black: Black anodized aluminum panels provide a sleek and modern look. They are commonly used in construction applications, electronics, automotive parts and consumer products.


Gold: Gold anodized aluminum panels provide a luxurious decorative effect. They are often used in architectural decoration, jewelry, signage and decorative elements.

Bronze Anodized Aluminum Sheet

Bronze: Bronze anodized aluminum panels offer a warm, rich color similar to traditional bronze materials. They are suitable for architectural decoration, window frames, furniture and decorative parts.

Copper Anodized Aluminum Sheet

銅: Copper anodized aluminum panels mimic the look of the copper material while providing the lightweight and durable properties of aluminum. They are used in architectural applications, interior design and decorative elements.

Blue Anodized Aluminum Sheet

Blue: Blue anodized aluminum panels offer a vibrant and eye-catching color choice. They are used in a variety of applications including marine equipment, sports equipment and consumer electronics.

Red Anodized Aluminum Sheet

赤: Red anodized aluminum panels offer a bold and vibrant color choice. They are commonly used in automotive parts, signage and decorative elements.

Green Anodized Aluminum Sheet

Green: Green anodized aluminum panels provide a fresh and natural color option. They are used in architectural applications, environmental signage and decorative accents.

Purple Anodized Aluminum Sheet

Purple: Purple anodized aluminum panels offer a unique and unique color option. They are used in custom designs, art projects, and decorative applications.

Custom Colors: Some manufacturers offer custom color options for anodized aluminum panels, allowing customers to match specific color requirements or create unique designs. During the anodizing process, custom colors can be achieved through a special dyeing process.

The appearance of anodized aluminum may vary depending on factors such as lighting conditions, surface texture and viewing angle. Additionally, anodized aluminum panels offer greater durability, 耐食性, and UV stability compared to painted or coated finishes, making them suitable for both indoor and outdoor applications.