1060 алюминий парағы “self-introduction

Number “1060”: It means that the aluminum content of the aluminum plate is more than 99.6%, which is a kind of pure aluminum plate. Жалпы айтқанда, the first two digits of the number represent the purity of the aluminum, and the last digit represents the state of the aluminum plate, such as 0 for the soft state, H for the hardened state, and T for the age-hardened state.

Алюминий парағы: 1060 aluminum plate is a thin plate-shaped material processed from aluminum. Its thickness is generally between 0.2mm and 6mm, and its width is between 100mm and 2600mm. The length is determined according to customer needs. Its surface treatment usually includes polishing, oxidation, spraying and so on.

1060 алюминий парағы
1060 алюминий табақ өнімі

Learn more about 1060 алюминий парағы

1060 aluminum plate is a kind of pure aluminum plate, its aluminum content reaches more than 99.6%. It belongs to a commonly used series in the aluminum strip family. The production process of 1060 aluminum plate is relatively simple, and the price has a huge advantage compared with other high-grade alloy aluminum plates. Aluminum plate 1060 has excellent processing performance, can meet conventional processing requirements, and has good corrosion resistance and high electrical conductivity.

Алюминий парағы дегеніміз не 1060 h14?

As a aluminum sheet 1060 h14 manufacturer,Huawei Aluminum sheet 1060 H14 is a type of aluminum alloy sheet that is made from 99.6% pure aluminum. The “H14” designation refers to the temper or hardness of the material, which means that it has been strain hardened and partially annealed to a specified level of hardness.

The 1060 aluminum alloy is a popular material for sheet metal applications due to its high corrosion resistance, жақсы қалыптасу мүмкіндігі, and excellent thermal and electrical conductivity. It is commonly used in the manufacture of cookware, lighting reflectors, chemical storage tanks, and other similar applications.

The H14 temper designation indicates that the aluminum sheet has been strain hardened to a half-hard state, which means it has been cold worked to reduce its thickness and increase its strength. Осы уақытта, the material has been partially annealed to reduce its brittleness and increase its ductility. This combination of hardness and ductility makes it suitable for a wide range of applications where a balance of strength and formability is required.

Бұл не 1060 aluminium alloy used for?

1060 aluminium alloy is a popular grade of aluminium used for various applications due to its excellent formability, high electrical conductivity, and low cost. It is usually used in the manufacture of components, aluminum foil and containers in the fields of chemical industry, electronics, construction and so on. 1060 aluminum plate can also be used to make molds for aluminum products, decorative panels, reflectors, etc.Some common uses of 1060 aluminium alloy include:

  1. Electrical equipment: 1060 aluminium alloy is often used in electrical equipment, such as transformer windings, because of its high electrical conductivity.
  2. Packaging: 1060 aluminium alloy is used for packaging, especially for food and beverage cans, due to its excellent formability and corrosion resistance.
  3. Белгі: 1060 aluminium alloy is often used for signage and advertising because it is lightweight, easy to fabricate, and can be painted or coated.
  4. Reflectors: 1060 aluminium alloy is used for reflective surfaces in lighting fixtures, mirrors, and reflective insulation due to its high reflectivity.
  5. Chemical equipment: 1060 aluminium alloy is used for chemical equipment because of its good resistance to chemical corrosion and low melting point.
  6. Heat sinks: 1060 aluminium alloy is used for heat sinks in electronic devices due to its good thermal conductivity.

In summary, 1060 aluminium alloy is a versatile material used for various applications, including electrical equipment, packaging, белгі, reflectors, chemical equipment, and heat sinks.

1060 алюминийге қарсы 6061 алюминий парағы

1060 aluminum sheet and 6061 aluminum sheet are two commonly used aluminum alloys in the market. Here are the differences between them:

  1. Chemical Composition: 1060 aluminum sheet is pure aluminum, кезінде 6061 aluminum sheet is a combination of aluminum, магний, and silicon.
  2. Күш: 6061 aluminum sheet is stronger than 1060 aluminum sheet due to the addition of magnesium and silicon. Дегенмен, 1060 aluminum sheet is still widely used because of its excellent formability and workability.
  3. Дәнекерлеу мүмкіндігі: Both 1060 және 6061 aluminum sheets are easily welded, but 6061 aluminum sheet requires more precautions due to its higher strength and chemical composition.
  4. Коррозияға төзімділік: 6061 aluminum sheet has better corrosion resistance than 1060 алюминий парағы, especially in harsh environments.
  5. Applications: 1060 aluminum sheet is often used for packaging, electrical equipment, және белгілер. Басқа жақтан, 6061 aluminum sheet is commonly used for structural components, marine and aerospace applications, and automotive parts.

Difference between 1050 және 1060 алюминий

1050 алюминийге қарсы 1060 алюминий парағы:

1050 және 1060 are both aluminum alloys that are commonly used in various applications. Here are some of the key differences between 1050 және 1060 алюминий:

  1. Chemical composition: The main difference between 1050 және 1060 aluminum is their chemical composition. 1050 aluminum contains 99.5% алюминий, кезінде 1060 aluminum contains 99.6% алюминий.
  2. Mechanical properties: Due to the small difference in chemical composition, 1050 және 1060 aluminum have similar mechanical properties, including high formability and low strength. Дегенмен, 1060 aluminum is slightly stronger than 1050 aluminum due to its higher purity.
  3. Electrical conductivity: Both 1050 және 1060 aluminum have high electrical conductivity, making them suitable for electrical and electronic applications.
  4. Applications: 1050 aluminum is often used in the electrical and chemical industries, кезінде 1060 aluminum is more commonly used for general sheet metal work, such as in the construction and automotive industries.
  5. Дәнекерлеу мүмкіндігі: Both 1050 және 1060 aluminum are easily welded, but 1060 aluminum requires more precautions due to its higher purity.

In summary, the main difference between 1050 және 1060 aluminum is their chemical composition, with 1060 aluminum being slightly purer and stronger. They have similar mechanical properties and are both used for various applications, but 1050 aluminum is more commonly used in the electrical and chemical industries, кезінде 1060 aluminum is more commonly used for general sheet metal work.