Di derbarê Pelê Aluminiumê Anodized de Zêdetir Bizanin

Plakaya aluminium ya anodê tê oksîd kirin, û tebeqeya tenik ji oksîta aluminiumê li ser rûyê bi qalindahiya pêk tê 5 ber 20 mîkronan, û fîlima anodîzekirî ya hişk dikare bigihîje 60 ber 200 mîkronan. Plateka aluminiumê ya anodîzekirî serhişkî û berxwedana liberxwedanê çêtir dike, heta 250-500 kg/mm2, berxwedana germê ya pir baş heye, fîlima anodîzekirî ya hişk heya 2320K xala helandinê heye, îzolekirina baş, and breakdown resistance The voltage is as high as 2000V, which enhances the anti-corrosion performance. It will not corrode for thousands of hours in ω=0.03NaCl salt spray.

Sheet Aluminium Anodized

There are a lot of micropores in the thin oxide film layer, which can adsorb various lubricants, suitable for the manufacture of engine cylinders or other wear-resistant parts; the film micropores have strong adsorption capacity and can be colored into various beautiful and bright colors. Non-ferrous metals or their alloys (wek aluminium, magnesium and their alloys, etc.) can be anodized.

Anodized aluminum sheets are widely used in mechanical parts, aircraft auto parts, precision instruments and radio equipment, xemilandina mîmarî, machine casings, lamps and lighting, consumer electronics, handicrafts, household appliances, interior decoration, signs, navmalî, automotive decoration and other industries.