Çi ye 1050 pola foil aluminium?

1050 foila aluminiumê di nav rêzek alloyên aluminium de celebê herî gelemperî ye. Taybetmendiyên çêkirin û pêvajoyê yên hêja hene, berxwedana korozyonê ya bilind, weldability baş û gihandina elektrîkê. Naveroka aluminium di nav de 1050 digihîje 99.5%, jî wekî tê zanîn 1050 foil aluminium safî. 1050 pelika alloyek aluminiumê mîqdarek piçûk elementek sifir zêde dike, which improves the defect of insufficient hardness of pure aluminum, so that aluminum foil 1050 can be used in chemical instruments, thin plate processing parts, deep drawing or spinning concave vessels, embankment parts, heat exchangers, clocks and watches. And plates, nameplates, kitchen utensils, decorations, reflective appliances and other products can have a good application.

1050 aluminum foil chemical composition

Astarê madenîÛFeCuMgZnMnJiSingleAl

Foil aluminium 1050 mechanical properties

A1050 Aluminum Foil Mechanical Properties Table
Tensile Strength ob (MPa)60~~100
Elongation σ/ ( %)≥23
Elongation 50mm/ (%)≥25
Note: Longitudinal mechanical properties of pipe at room temperature
Specimen Size: all wall thicknesses

1050 aluminum foil product specification

Alloy Series1000 doranî