Pola pelê aluminum çi ye 1060?

1060 foila aluminium yek ji wan e 1000 doranî, û 1060 û 1050 rêze aligirên aluminiumê yên paqij in. Çi materyal e 1060? Hêmana ku herî zêde naverok tê de ye 1060 aluminium e, bi naverokek ji 99.6%. Ew peldankek aluminiumê ya paqij a pîşesazî ya ku pir tête bikar anîn e. Ew xwedî taybetmendiyên cûrbecûr yên madeyên xav e, bihayê erzan û berbi baş. 1060 aluminum foil is also a series of aluminum foil products produced and supplied by Huawei Aluminium for a long time.

Is 1060 aluminum foil strong?

Yes, 1060 aluminum foil is considered relatively strong for some applications. Aluminum foil is usually measured by its thickness, and the strength of aluminum foil will vary depending on its thickness and other factors such as alloy composition, tempering and handling. 1060 aluminum alloy is an alloy commonly used in 1000 series aluminum alloys, but its hardness is lower than that of 5000 rêze û 6000 doranî.