1050 aluminum-coil

Aluminum Foil Jumbo Roll

Jumbo aluminum foil product specifications: Product Name: Aluminum Foil Jumbo Roll Alloy: 1000-8000 serje (specify the specific alloy, e.g., 8011, 1235) Thickness: 0.01mm-8mm microns (specify the thickness range) Width: 60-2600 millimetri (specify the width range) Length: According to customization Core Diameter: XX millimeters (specify the core diameter size) Jumbo aluminum foil product ...

5052 coil tal-aluminju

5052 Kolja tal-Aluminju

5052 Aluminum Coil Product Introduction The 5052 aluminum coil is a versatile and widely used alloy in various industries, owing to its exceptional properties and cost-effectiveness. This detailed guide will delve into the specifications, advantages, applications, and properties of 5052 coil tal-aluminju, providing valuable insights for professionals in various fields. Element Content Of 5052 Kolja tal-Aluminju ...

embossed aluminum plate (1)

embossed aluminum sheet

Embossed aluminum sheet Introduction What is embossed aluminum sheet?Embossed aluminum plate is an aluminum alloy plate with embossed surface. During the manufacturing process, the aluminum sheet is pressed or rolled through two embossing rolls, which create a texture or pattern on the surface. These textures can be different, such as raised dots, lines, diamonds, hammer patterns, eċċ., depending on the design o ...

8079 fojl tal-aluminju

8079 fojl tal-aluminju

8079 materjal tal-fojl tal-aluminju Kompożizzjoni: 8079 fojl tal-aluminju huwa magħmul primarjament minn liga tal-aluminju magħrufa bħala 8079. Hija liga tal-aluminju ta 'kwalità għolja b'kompożizzjonijiet kimiċi speċifiċi biex ittejjeb il-proprjetajiet tagħha. 8079 proprjetajiet tal-liga tal-fojl tal-aluminju: Il- 8079 liga tal-aluminju tikkonsisti primarjament minn aluminju (Al) b'ammonti żgħar ta' elementi oħra. Din il-kompożizzjoni tal-liga tipprovdi saħħa eċċellenti, korrużjoni ...

1050 aluminum-coil

Aluminum Foil Jumbo Roll

Jumbo aluminum foil product specifications: Product Name: Aluminum Foil Jumbo Roll Alloy: 1000-8000 serje (specify the specific alloy, e.g., 8011, 1235) Thickness: 0.01mm-8mm microns (specify the thickness range) Width: 60-2600 millimetri (specify the width range) Length: According to customization Core Diameter: XX millimeters (specify the core diameter size) Jumbo aluminum foil product ...

aluminum coil supplier

3003 aluminum coil product introduction

X'inhu 3003 coil tal-aluminju? 3003 aluminum coil is a commonly used aluminum alloy coil, its main components are aluminum and manganese, and it belongs to the 3xxx series aluminum alloy. Due to its excellent performance and wide application fields, 3003 aluminum coil has become an indispensable material in industry and daily life. 3003 aluminum alloy coil features and performance: Good corrosion resistance: 3003 ...

1050 aluminum-coil

1050 coil tal-aluminju

X'inhu 1050 coil tal-aluminju? 1050 aluminum coil is a common aluminum alloy material, which is widely used in various fields due to its excellent properties such as good machinability, excellent corrosion resistance, high electrical conductivity and thermal conductivity. The following introduces 1050 aluminum coils from multiple angles: 1050 aluminum coil material properties 1050 aluminum coil has excellent mach ...

What is anodized aluminum sheet?

Introduction of anodized aluminum sheet Anodized aluminum sheet is placed in the corresponding electrolyte (such as sulfuric acid, chromic acid, oxalic acid, eċċ.) as the anode, under the specific conditions and the effect of external current, electrolysis. The anodized aluminum plate forms a thin layer of alumina on its surface, with a thickness of 5-20 μ M. the hard anodized film can reach 60-200 μ M. After ...

Kif taqta folja tal-aluminju

Taf kif taqta folja tal-aluminju?

Aluminum sheet widely used Aluminum sheet is a rectangular sheet made of aluminum metal after rolling. Huwa materjal tal-metall użat ħafna. Folja tal-aluminju għandha proprjetajiet fiżiċi u kimiċi uniċi u jista 'jkollha rwol importanti f'ħafna oqsma bħall-kostruzzjoni, industrija, trasport, u dekorazzjoni. Wara l-qtugħ, il-ħxuna tal-folja tal-aluminju hija ġeneralment 'il fuq minn 0.2mm u taħt il-500mm, the width is more th ...

1100 aluminum coil supplier

What are the uses of coated aluminum foil?

What are the uses of coated aluminum foil? Coated aluminum foil has various uses across different industries and applications. Here are some common uses of coated aluminum foil: Packaging: Coated aluminum foil is extensively used in packaging applications due to its barrier properties, heat resistance, and aesthetic appeal. It is commonly used as a laminated layer in flexible packaging materials, such as ...

fornitur tal-folja tal-aluminju

What are the characteristics of 5083 aluminum plate

5083 aluminum plate is a common aluminum alloy material with the following characteristics: High strength: 5083 aluminum plate has high strength, especially in low temperature environment. This makes it widely used in fields such as ships and ocean engineering. Excellent corrosion resistance: 5083 aluminum plate has excellent corrosion resistance, and has good resistance to corrosion in seawater and general ...

16 folja tal-aluminju tal-kejl

What is the thickness of 16 gauge aluminum sheet in mm?

The thickness of 16 gauge aluminum plate is approximately 1.29 millimetri (mm). The term "aluminum gauge" is used to describe the thickness of aluminum sheet or plate. This is a common method of specifying aluminum thickness in various industrial applications, especially in the United States. In aluminum gauge systems: The higher the gauge number, the thinner the aluminum sheet or sheets. Għalhekk, low ...