Method 1: mirror anodized aluminum sheet, after ripping off the protective film, touching the mirror with your fingers, the sweat stains on your fingers will stay on top of the mirror, but after scrubbing with a dry cloth or paper towel, fingerprints will be wiped clean and will not leave any trace. Not after the oxidation of the mirror aluminum plate is not the same, leaving the fingerprints will be more and ...
Il-pjanċa tal-aluminju tal-anodu hija ossidizzata, u saff irqiq ta 'ossidu tal-aluminju huwa ffurmat fuq il-wiċċ bi ħxuna ta' 5 biex 20 mikroni, u l-film anodizzat iebes jista 'jilħaq 60 biex 200 mikroni. Il-pjanċa tal-aluminju anodizzat ittejjeb l-ebusija tagħha u r-reżistenza għall-ilbies, sa 250-500 kg/mm2, għandu reżistenza tajba ħafna għas-sħana, il-film anodizzat iebes għandu punt ta 'tidwib sa 2320K, insulazzjoni eċċellenti, u tqassim ...
Anodized treatment can make the gloss of the metal surface remain unchanged for a long time, improve the corrosion resistance and mechanical strength, and obtain a decorative appearance after dyeing. Anodized finish aluminum sheet is used in many places. Here are a few examples. Prevent product corrosion: The film layer obtained by the oxidation of the positive electrode has been properly sealed and has g ...
Melting point of aluminum foil
The melting point of aluminum refers to the temperature at which aluminum foil transitions between solid and liquid states. When aluminum reaches this temperature, the foil begins to transform from a solid to a liquid state. Aluminum has a relatively low melting point, which makes it popular in many industrial applications because it can be melted and reshaped at relatively low tem ...
Performance characteristics of 1000 series of aluminum foil
The performance characteristics of a series of aluminum foil depend on several factors, such as thickness, alloy composition, surface finish, and intended use. Here are some general performance characteristics that can be associated with 1000 series aluminum foil: Ħxuna: Aluminum foil can be produced in a wide range ...
Aluminum grade and characteristics
Classification of aluminum plate grades According to the different metal elements contained in the aluminum plate, the aluminum plate can be roughly divided into 9 categories, that is, it can be divided into 9 serje. The following is a step-by-step introduction. 1.1000 series represents 1050 1060 1070 1000 series aluminum plate is also known as pure aluminum plate, among al ...
What are the uses of coated aluminum foil? Coated aluminum foil has various uses across different industries and applications. Here are some common uses of coated aluminum foil: Packaging: Coated aluminum foil is extensively used in packaging applications due to its barrier properties, heat resistance, and aesthetic appeal. It is commonly used as a laminated layer in flexible packaging materials, bħal ...