Introduction of 1100 एल्युमिनियम पन्नी मिश्र धातु
एल्युमिनियम ग्रेड के हो 1100?1100 एल्युमिनियम पन्नी एक उच्च शुद्धता एल्युमिनियम मिश्र धातु हो, which is the more common one among a series of aluminum alloys. “1100” indicates that the aluminum content of the aluminum foil accounts for the largest proportion of the total alloy composition, त्यो हो, the purity of the aluminum element in the aluminum alloy reaches more than 99%. As a result, 1100 aluminum foil is generally considered to be one of the purest aluminum foils, with high electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity and excellent corrosion resistance, making it a versatile material well suited for use in a variety of environments.
रासायनिक संरचना(mass fraction) (%) |
मिश्र धातु | र | फे | कु | Mn | Mg | Zn | को | अरू | अल | Note |
1100 | 0.95 | 0.05-0.40 | 0.05 | / | 0.1 | / | 0.20 | 99 | L5-1 |
Mechanical properties of 1100 एल्युमिनियम पन्नी
The mechanical performance of Huawei Aluminum is tested at a warm state (25°C), and the test performance is as follows.
रिस | Test Items | Performance Data |
1100 H12 Aluminum Foil | तन्य शक्ति (MPa) | 110 |
Yield strength (MPa) | 105 |
Elongation (%) | 12 |
1100 H14 Aluminum Foil | तन्य शक्ति (MPA) | 125 |
Yield strength (MPa) | 115 |
Elongation (%) | 9 |
1100 H16 Aluminum Foil | तन्य शक्ति (MPa) | 145 |
Yield strength (MPa) | 140 |
Elongation (%) | 6 |
1100 H18 Aluminum Foil | तन्य शक्ति (MPa) | 90 |
Yield strength (MPa) | 134 |
Elongation (%) | 5 |
Alloy properties of aluminum foil 1100
1100 aluminum foil is an aluminum alloy with a purity of up to 99%. Its main characteristics include the following five points:
1. राम्रो जंग प्रतिरोध: 1100 aluminum foil has excellent corrosion resistance and can be used in many acidic and alkaline environments.
2. Excellent conductivity: 1100 aluminum foil is a good conductive material and can be used in many applications that require conductivity, such as battery separators.
3. Easy processing: 1100 aluminum foil has high plasticity and workability, and can be manufactured into various shapes by rolling, stretching and forming.
4. हल्का: 1100 aluminum foil is lightweight, so it is widely used in the manufacture of lightweight products, such as aircraft, automobiles and packaging.
5. Excellent oxidation resistance: 1100 aluminum foil can maintain its mechanical properties and corrosion resistance in high temperature environments, and has high oxidation resistance.
How strong is 1100 एल्युमिनियम पन्नी?
Compared to many other aluminum alloys, 1100 aluminum is relatively soft and has a low tensile strength. The ultimate tensile strength of 1100 aluminum is typically around 13 ksi (90 MPa) depending on the temper, which is a measure of the strength and hardness of the material. यद्यपि, 1100 aluminum is still strong enough for many applications, particularly those that do not require high strength but benefit from its other properties, such as its excellent corrosion resistance, formability, and conductivity.
What is the difference between aluminum 1100 र 1200?
एल्युमिनियम 1100 र 1200 are both pure aluminum alloys, meaning they are composed of at least 99% एल्युमिनियम. यद्यपि, there are some differences between them:
Chemical composition: The main difference between 1100 र 1200 aluminum is their chemical composition. 1100 aluminum has a minimum of 99.00% एल्युमिनियम, जबकि 1200 aluminum has a minimum of 99.00% aluminum and a maximum of 0.12% तामा.
शक्ति: 1200 aluminum is slightly stronger than 1100 एल्युमिनियम, with a higher ultimate tensile strength and yield strength. This is due to the small amount of copper in the alloy.
फॉर्मेबिलिटी: दुबै 1100 र 1200 aluminum have excellent formability and are highly malleable. यद्यपि, 1200 aluminum may be slightly less formable than 1100 aluminum due to its higher strength.
Uses: Because of its high purity and excellent formability, 1100 aluminum is commonly used in applications such as food and beverage packaging, पकाउने भाँडा, and decorative trim. 1200 aluminum is often used in electrical and chemical applications due to its higher strength and conductivity, as well as in reflectors and mirrors.