3003 aluminum foil overview

एल्युमिनियम पन्नी 3003 सबैभन्दा व्यापक रूपमा प्रयोग हुने मिश्र धातु हो 3000 श्रृंखला. 3003 मिश्र धातु एल्युमिनियम पन्नीले एल्युमिनियम पन्नीको भौतिक गुणहरू सुधार गर्न धातु म्यागनीज थप्छ. को रूपमा पनि चिनिन्छ “Al-Mn” श्रृंखला धातु र उल्लेखनीय गुण र आवेदन को एक विस्तृत श्रृंखला को एक श्रृंखला छ.

3003 एल्युमिनियम पन्नी
3003 एल्युमिनियम पन्नी

3003 एल्युमिनियम मिश्र धातु पन्नी सामाग्री गुण

3003 aluminum foil is mainly composed of aluminum, म्यांगनीज र अन्य तत्वहरू. The addition of manganese element significantly improves its strength and corrosion resistance. 3003 aluminum foil is about 10% stronger than 1100, but the overall strength is not high (slightly higher than 1000 श्रृंखला industrial pure aluminum). एउटै समयमा, it has excellent anti-rust properties. Its corrosion resistance is very good, close to the corrosion resistance of industrial pure aluminum. It has good corrosion resistance to the atmosphere, fresh water, sea water, खाना, organic acids, gasoline, neutral inorganic salt water solutions, आदि. The corrosion resistance in dilute acid is also very good.

एल्युमिनियम पन्नी 3003 element composition

एल्युमिनियम पन्नी 3003 chemical element content (%)
रचना (%)96.7-991.0-1.50.05-

3003 aluminum foil mechanical properties

Here is a table listing the typical mechanical properties of 3003 एल्युमिनियम पन्नी:

तन्य शक्ति130 – 170 MPaVaries depending on temper and thickness
उपज शक्ति~115 MPaVaries depending on temper and thickness
Elongation1 – 8%Varies depending on thickness and temper
कठोरता~40 HB (Brinell Hardness)Varies depending on temper

Temper-Specific Properties

Annealed (O Temper)

तन्य शक्ति~130 MPa
उपज शक्ति~70 MPa

Half Hard (H14 Temper)

तन्य शक्ति150 – 165 MPa
उपज शक्ति125 – 140 MPa
Elongation1 – 4%

Full Hard (H18 Temper)

तन्य शक्ति165 – 170 MPa
उपज शक्ति140 – 150 MPa