Method 1: mirror anodized aluminum sheet, after ripping off the protective film, touching the mirror with your fingers, the sweat stains on your fingers will stay on top of the mirror, but after scrubbing with a dry cloth or paper towel, fingerprints will be wiped clean and will not leave any trace. Not after the oxidation of the mirror aluminum plate is not the same, leaving the fingerprints will be more and ...
18 Použitie hliníkových plechov Široko používaný hliníkový plech
Hliníkový plech je plechový materiál vyrobený z hliníka alebo zliatiny hliníka. Ide o tenký a plochý hliníkový plech. Po rôznych procesoch povrchovej úpravy, môže vykazovať bohaté farby a textúry. Je to široko používaný kovový materiál. Hliníkový plech má mnoho vynikajúcich vlastností, ako je nízka hmotnosť, vysoká pevnosť, odolnosť proti korózii, ľahké spracovanie, byť ...
Hliníková doska anódy je oxidovaná, a na povrchu sa vytvorí tenká vrstva oxidu hlinitého s hrúbkou o 5 do 20 mikrónov, a tvrdý eloxovaný film môže dosiahnuť 60 do 200 mikrónov. Eloxovaný hliníkový plech zlepšuje jeho tvrdosť a odolnosť proti opotrebovaniu, až do 250-500 kg/mm2, má veľmi dobrú tepelnú odolnosť, tvrdý eloxovaný film má bod topenia až 2320 K, výborná izolácia, a rozpadu ...
Aluminium density kg/m³
The density of aluminum is around 2,700 kg/m³ (kilograms per cubic meter) at room temperature (25°C or 77°F). Aluminium sheet density The density of an aluminum sheet can vary depending on its thickness and alloy composition. Avšak, for common commercial aluminum alloys used in sheet form, the density typically ranges from 2,640 do 2,810 kg/m³ (kilograms per cubic meter).
While 5052 aluminum is a versatile and commonly used aluminum alloy suitable for many applications, it is not typically used in shipbuilding, especially for critical structural components. The shipbuilding industry often requires materials that meet stringent specifications for strength, durability and corrosion resistance, and these are not the primary properties of 5052 hliník. 5052 aluminum alloy is known ...
Black anodized aluminum sheets are used in a variety of applications where both the aesthetic and functional properties of the material are important. Anodizing is an electrochemical process that strengthens the natural oxide layer on the aluminum surface, making it more durable, corrosion-resistant, and capable of retaining dyes for coloring. Black anodized aluminum panels and panels have a sleek, matte black fi ...
The thickness of aluminum sheets can range from very thin tens of microns to hundreds of millimeters, depending on different applications and needs. The following are some common aluminum sheet thickness ranges: Ultra-thin aluminum plate: usually between tens of microns and hundreds of microns, mainly used in electronic products, displays, batteries and other fields. Thin aluminum sheet: between a few hundr ...