Aluminium Alloy Density Encyclopedia
Aluminium jeung alloy na loba dipaké dina sagala rupa industri alatan kombinasi luar biasa maranéhanana lightweight, kakuatan tinggi, sarta lalawanan korosi alus teuing. Hiji sipat penting tina alloy ieu dénsitas maranéhanana, nu nangtukeun beurat maranéhanana sarta ciri volume. Kapadetan alloy aluminium dina 1000 ka 8000 runtuyan bisa rupa-rupa gumantung kana komposisi husus maranéhanana jeung perlakuan panas. Understanding the density of these alloys is crucial for engineers, designers, and manufacturers when selecting materials for diverse applications. In this article, we will explore the densities of aluminum alloys in the 1000-8000 series and present them in a comprehensive table for easy reference.
Density of Aluminum Alloys in the 1000-8000 Series
Alloy Series | Alloy Number | Kapadetan (g/cm³) |
1000 | 1100 | 2.70 |
1200 | 2.70 |
1350 | 2.70 |
1145 | 2.70 |
2000 | 2011 | 2.82 |
2014 | 2.80 |
2024 | 2.78 |
2219 | 2.77 |
3000 | 3003 | 2.73 |
3004 | 2.74 |
3105 | 2.71 |
5000 | 5005 | 2.70 |
5052 | 2.68 |
5083 | 2.66 |
5086 | 2.66 |
5454 | 2.66 |
6000 | 6005A | 2.70 |
6061 | 2.70 |
6063 | 2.70 |
6082 | 2.70 |
7000 | 7022 | 2.82 |
7075 | 2.81 |
7049 | 2.82 |
8000 | 8011 | 2.71 |
8079 | 2.71 |
Please note that the density values listed in the table are approximate and may vary slightly depending on the specific manufacturing process and alloy condition. The values presented here are based on standard conditions and are meant to provide a general understanding of the density differences among various aluminum alloys in the 1000-8000 runtuyan.