Kumaha carana ngabedakeun single enol foil ti ganda enol foil?

Aluminium foil mangrupakeun jenis bahan rolling aluminium. Aluminium foil is mainly for thickness. Dina industri, produk aluminium kalayan ketebalan kirang ti 0.2mm biasana disebut aluminium foil. Dina waktos anu sasarengan, nurutkeun kandelna, aluminium foil bisa dibagi kana ganda enol foil, tunggal enol foil jeung kandel Foil, jadi anjeun nyaho kumaha carana ngabedakeun antara single enol foil jeung ganda enol foil?

This is easy to distinguish, just look at the thickness, single zero foil: foil with a thickness of 0.01mm and less than 0.1mm, double zero foil: the so-called double zero foil means that there are two zeros after the decimal point when the thickness is measured in mm foil, usually aluminum foil less than .0075 mm in thickness.