2024 Aloi ya Alumini Vs 6061 Aloi ya Alumini

2024 aloi ya alumini na 6061 aloi ya alumini ni aloi mbili zilizo na nguvu ya juu na ugumu katika safu ya chuma ya alumini, na hutumika sana katika baadhi ya programu zinazohitaji metali zenye nguvu nyingi. Alumini 2024 na alumini 6061 kuwa na sifa nyingi zinazofanana, na wakati huo huo, kuna tofauti nyingi kati ya aloi mbili.

2024 aloi ya alumini2024 Alumini


6061 Alumini

6061 Aloi ya alumini

Ufahamu wa 2024 aluminum and 6061 alumini

Utangulizi wa 2024 aloi ya alumini

2024 sahani ya alumini ni aloi ya kawaida ya alumini ngumu katika mfumo wa alumini-shaba-magnesiamu. Its composition is relatively reasonable, its comprehensive performance is good, and it is a kind of hardness. Many countries produce 2024 aloi, which is the largest amount of hard aluminum. The characteristics of Aluminum 2024 alloy are: high strength, certain heat resistance, and can be used as working parts below 150℃. The temperature is higher than 125℃

The strength of 2024 alloy is higher than that of 7075 aloi.

The forming performance is relatively good in the hot state, annealing and new quenching state, and the heat treatment strengthening effect is significant, but the heat treatment process requires strict requirements. Corrosion resistance is poor, but it can be effectively protected by pure aluminum coating: cracks are easy to occur during welding, but special processes can be used for welding and riveting. Aloi ya alumini 2024 is widely used in aircraft structures, rivets, vituo vya magurudumu ya lori, propeller components and other structural parts.

Utangulizi wa 6061 aloi ya alumini

6061 aluminum alloy is a high-quality aluminum alloy product produced by heat treatment pre-stretching process. Magnesium and silicon alloys are added to it, which greatly improves the hardness. Although the strength of 6061 cannot be compared with 2xxx series or 7xxx series, it has many magnesium and silicon alloy characteristics, excellent processing performance, excellent welding characteristics and electroplating, good corrosion resistance, high toughness and no deformation after processing, dense material without defects and easy to polish, easy to color film, excellent oxidation effect and other excellent characteristics.

6061-vs-2024 aluminum

2024 vs 6061 chemical composition comparison

Alumini 2024 na 6061 are both aluminum alloys with higher hardness, mainly due to the different element contents.

Chemical metal content table (%)
2024 Alumini0.50.53.8-4.90.3-0.91.2-
6061 Alumini0.4- Remain


2024 aluminum vs 6061 aluminum basic characteristics

Aloi ya alumini 2024 (also known as LY12 aluminum alloy) na 6061 (also known as LD30 aluminum alloy), the two alloys are different in basic properties.

2024 aloi ya alumini:

It is a typical hard aluminum alloy in the aluminum-copper-magnesium system, with high strength and good cutting performance, lakini upinzani duni wa kutu.
It is usually supplied in T351 state, with good forming performance in hot state, annealing and new quenching state, and significant heat treatment strengthening effect, but strict heat treatment process requirements.
It has high strength and certain heat resistance, and can be used as working parts below 150°C. When the temperature is higher than 125°C, its strength is higher than that of 7075 aloi.
It has good fatigue strength, but it is easy to crack during welding, and special processes are required for welding or riveting.

6061 aloi ya alumini:

It belongs to the Al-Mg-Si series alloy, with medium strength, good corrosion resistance, weldability and machinability.
The main alloying elements are magnesium and silicon, forming the Mg2Si phase, which gives the alloy artificial aging hardening function.
Widely used in various industrial structural parts that require certain strength and high corrosion resistance, such as trucks, tower buildings, ships, nk.
Excellent processing performance, easy to color film, and excellent anodizing effect.

2024 aluminum vs 6061 mechanical properties

2024 aloi ya alumini:

Tensile strength is high, usually around 470MPa, and conditional yield strength is around 325MPa.
It has good fatigue resistance.

6061 aloi ya alumini:

Tensile strength is moderate, usually between 241-500MPa (depending on different heat treatment states, such as T6, T651, nk.). Yield strength is also high, usually between 110-276MPa.
It has good toughness and elongation

6061 vs 2024 application differences

2024 aluminium alloy

Mainly used to make various high-load parts and components, such as aircraft skeleton parts, skins, bulkheads, wing ribs, wing beams, rivets, nk.
Also used to manufacture truck wheel hubs, propeller components and other structural parts.

6061 aluminium alloy

Widely used in building profiles, irrigation pipes, vehicles, racks, samani, elevators, fences and other fields.
Also used to manufacture industrial structural parts such as trucks, tower buildings, ships, trams, and railway vehicles.

6061 na 2024 price comparison

2024 aluminum alloy price:

Due to its excellent strength and hardness, the production cost of 2024 is relatively high, so the price is usually higher.

6061 aluminum alloy price:

Alumini 6061 has good comprehensive properties and is suitable for a variety of mechanical processing and industrial applications. The cost is relatively low and the price is more economical.