1100 alyuminiy qatlam bilan tanishish

1100 alyuminiy - mukammal korroziyaga chidamliligi tufayli turli xil ilovalarda keng qo'llaniladigan sof alyuminiy qotishmasi, yuqori issiqlik va elektr o'tkazuvchanligi, va yaxshi ishlash qobiliyati.

1100 alyuminiy qatlam alyuminiydan yasalgan tekis bo'lakni anglatadi 1100 qotishma. U turli o'lchamlarda mavjud, qalinliklar, and finishes to meet different requirements. 1100 aluminum sheet is often used in industries such as aerospace, avtomobilsozlik, qurilish, and electronics, where lightweight, bardoshli, and corrosion-resistant materials are required.

What does “1100” ichida 1100 aluminum plate means?

In “1100 alyuminiy plastinka”, “1100” indicates the type of aluminum alloy. This number is one of the naming rules of aluminum alloy, which represents the composition of aluminum alloy.

Xususan, the “1100” alloy is a non-reinforced pure aluminum alloy, in which aluminum is the main component of the alloy, and the content of impurity elements such as copper, temir, marganets, kremniy, and zinc is very low, less than 0.5%. Yuqori tozaligi tufayli, it has good solderability and corrosion resistance. This aluminum alloy is commonly used to make chemicals and food processing equipment, as well as materials such as aluminum foil.

Kimyoviy tarkibi 1100 alyuminiy qatlam(%)


Alyuminiy plastinka 1100 mexanik xususiyatlar

Mechanical Properties Of Aluminum Alloy Al1100 Aluminum Plate At Room Temperature
Mustahkamlik chegarasi90-165MPa
Hosildorlik kuchi35-150MPa
Shear strength 60-90 MPa
Anti-fatigue strength35-60MPa
Qattiqlik 23-44HB