Parameters of anodizing aluminium sheet roll
Qotishmalar: 1050, 1100 va boshqalar
Jahl: H12 etc
Anodized aluminum coil features:
1) Silliq va tekis
2) Ob-havoga qarshilik
3) Yaxshi sifatli sirt qoplamasi
4) Korroziyaga qarshi
5) Anti-ultraviolet
Application of anodized aluminum coils
Channel letter, LED yorug'lik reflektori, sign etc
Anodized Aluminum Coil is widly used in Architectural, Tashqi derazalar va eshiklar, Rail Cars, Storefronts, Interior Wall Panels, Appliance, Curtain Walls Ceilings, Food Service, Architectural Interior, Lighting Signage and Nameplates, Exterior Panels, Recreational Vehicles,Solar Roofing,Automotive Electronics ect.
Anodized Aluminum is stronger and more durable than mill finish aluminum. The process of anodizing allows for the steel to embody these characteristics. Anodizing involves an aluminum coil or sheet being placed into a chemical acid bath. An electrical current is passed through the acid, causing the surface to oxidize. The oxidation forms a strong coating on the surface of the aluminum.
Anodize aluminum is commonly found in applications where the material may be exposed to the elements. It is also found in kitchen equipment like pots and pans because the material distributes heat evenly.
At Huawei anodized aluminum is stocked in various gauges, qotishmalar, and anodizing finishes in order to ensure that you receive the right product, when you need it.
Anodized Aluminum Sheet Coil Roll Packing
Qadoqlash tafsilotlari : Standart eksport paketi.
Alyuminiy qadoqlash varaqlari eksport standartiga javob beradi. Plastik plyonka va jigarrang qog'oz mijozlar ehtiyojiga ko'ra qoplanishi mumkin. yog'och quti yoki yog'och sxemasidan mahsulotlarni etkazib berish paytida shikastlanishdan himoya qilish uchun qabul qilinadi.
As a professional manufacturer and supplier of Anodized Aluminum Coil based in China, we also provide aluminium slit coil, anodising aluminum sheet, 5 bar aluminum tread plate, aluminum strip, alyuminiy qatlam, diamond aluminum tread plate, va boshqalar. Whenever you have a need for any of our products, please feel free to contact us at Huawei.